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The MCFs decided about the sequence of additional project ideas proposed for implementation

In mid-December, the fifth meeting of the Multi-stakeholder Catchment Forums (Forum, MCF) was held, set up in the framework of the LIFE LOGOS 4 WATERS project. The meeting of the Forum in the catchment area of the Sárközi I. took place on Tuesday 13rd December 2022 in Bátya. The next day, on Wednesday 14th December, another meeting was held in the catchment areas of the Szilágyi and Gombás in Püspökszilágy. At both meetings, the sequence of implementation of the project ideas proposed by MCF members was accepted by secret voting.

The decision was preceded by serious professional preparations and examinations. First, the expert members of the MCF Advisory Board took field visits to the proposed locations for the professional evaluation of the project ideas. After the field visits, some suggestions unfortunately did not prove to be able to implement within the framework of the project, although they are excellent ideas, but unfortunately they do not fit into the time and/or costs, which available for their implementation.


The project ideas that passed the first round of examination were then evaluated by the professional organizations of the Advisory Board of the MCF, based on the evaluation criteria previously presented to the MCF. The Hungarian Chamber of Engineers, the General Directorate of Water Management, the territorially competent Water Directorates, the WWF Hungary Foundation, the Faculty of Water Science Baja of University of Public Service, the Western Balkans Green Center, the Department of Water Management and Climate Adaptation of the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences participated in the evaluation process.

The individual field evaluations were then discussed by the colleagues of the above organizations, and based on the consensus of the MCF Advisory Board’s professionals, the staff of the Hétfa Research Institute prepared the final expert evaluation for each received project proposal. At the same time, in order to support the MCF’s decision, the experts also established a preference order of the examined project ideas. In addition to the positive benefits of the given proposal, also the conditions which must be met for the feasibility were determined in the joint resolutions for each project proposal.

Sarkozi I. focsatorna 5 VEF kep2

In the next step, before the meetings, the professional positions compiled by the MCF Advisory Board for the individual project ideas and the proposed sequence of preference were sent to the MCF members. The Forums set up in the two catchment areas made their final decisions taking these into account.

The project ideas listed in the accepted sequence by the MCFs can currently only be considered as concepts, their detailed examination will take place in January 2023. In certain cases it is possible that the next examination phase of a concept, it becomes clear that the conditions that are not feasible or necessary for its feasibility cannot be met for some reason (e.g. one of the affected owners does not agree) or are not met in time. In this case, the next project idea in line will be implemented, if a similar problem does not arise there.

Until the end of the project, at least three personal MCF meetings will take place, and the members of the MCF will be constantly informed about the progress of the examination and implementation of the project proposals.


The minutes of the fifth meeting of Bátya Multi-stakeholder Catchment Forum is available here in Hungarian, which also contains the sequence of accepted projects.

The minutes of the fifth meeting of Püspökszilágy Multi-stakeholder Catchment Forum is available here in Hungarian, which also contains the sequence of accepted projects.


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