The online platform was created in the framework of the LIFE LOGOS 4 WATERS project, which has the overall objective of supporting Hungarian municipalities to develop the capacity for climate adaptation, to promote the development of climate governance at municipal and river basin level, and to demonstrate the potential methods and role of nature-based solutions. In this context, a key objective is to identify and bring together on a common platform all the tools that can reduce the vulnerability of Hungarian municipalities to climate change and increase their preparedness by improving their knowledge regarding the subject.
To achieve these goals, an online platform, a collection of databases, called the Integrated Municipal Decision Support Platform (hereinafter: Platform) was created within the framework of the project. The aim of it was to create a common platform that provides Hungarian municipalities with a structured access to relevant water and climate-related knowledge and tools for local decision-makers and experts. It is important to emphasize, that these can effectively support both short- and long-term planning, strategy-making, development concepts, the mitigation of climate vulnerability, and provide real help for the related decision-preparatory work and decision-making of Hungarian municipalities.

The Platform provides access to national and international tools, databases, systems, professional materials and good practices. The databases and tools available on the Platform are all linked to existing and operating/functioning platforms, and their detailed descriptions (datasheets) contain general characteristics and useful information on their use. We hope that visitors to the site – not only the experts of municipalities – will find useful information and tools that will provide new knowledge to help them carry out their tasks effectively, adapt to the effects of climate change, or prevent and mitigate its negative impacts.
The introductory page of the Platform provides general information on how it works, with icons at the end indicating the grouping of the platform content. The tools, databases and technical materials are grouped into the following six categories, based on their primary content and the nature of their use:
- Climate protection
- Settlement development
- Nature-based solutions
- Ecosystem
- Water management
- Green infrastructure

A tool or database can sometimes be found in several categories at once, so it is not only indicated in one place, but in all relevant main categories regarding its topic. Within the thematic grouping by category, databases and tools can also be accessed by clicking on logos symbolizing them, or at the end of the page of the given thematic group, arranged in a list of names from a table of contents.
A detailed datasheet has been prepared for all tools, databases and systems available on the Platform, which, contains the most important information about their content and operation. The datasheets include, among other things, how current the given tool or database is, how often its content is updated, what target group it serves primarily help, basic data or samples, whether it is necessary to register to use it, what special qualifications it requires, or it is free to use or not. The datasheets are available under each category, by clicking on the name of the given tool or database, or on the name in the table of contents.
The site also contains English and Hungarian tools, but the description is just in Hungarian because the target groups for the usage of the Platform are the Hungarian municipalities and experts. The English language tools are marked separately, but the datasheets made from them are available in Hungarian. On the back of the icons of the tools and databases, there is also a brief summary of the content, which we hope will facilitate efficient browsing of the many available materials and make it easier for users to easily access materials of interest and new information.
The content of the Platform is constantly updated, thereby striving to make the latest information and knowledge as widely available as possible, and to develop and expand the knowledge already acquired. Regarding updating the content, we also welcome additional suggestions via the comments link on the page.
We hope that the Platform will be useful for the visitors and will help the users in their everyday lives and in adapting effectively to climate change.
The Platform can be reached on the Hungarian project website via the following link: