In cooperation for climate-conscious river basin management

The overarching goal of the LIFE LOGOS 4 WATERS project – building on the experience and results of the LIFE-MICACC project, which ended in November 2021 – is to improve climate adaptation and coordination capacity of local municipalities, and supporting the drawing down of financial resources and the efficient use of EU funding for related topics. It will be achieved by mitigating the negative water-balance situation through the demonstration of integrated ecosystem-based water management solutions applied at the catchment level. An additional goal of the project is to encourage the dissemination of several domestic and foreign, local and water catchment level Natural Water Retention Measures (NWRMs) good practice by sharing the results, in the coordination of local municipalities.

Why municipalities are the key actors?

Project title: Integrated application of innovative water management methods at river basin by coordination of local governments
Project short title: In cooperation for climate-conscious river basin management
Administration number: LIFE20 CCA/HU/001604
Project acronym: LIFE LOGOS 4 WATERS
The duration of the implementation: 1 October  2021 – 30 September 2025
Project location: Hungary
Total budget: 3 764 915 € (approx. 1.318 billion Ft)
EU contribution: 2 070 703 € (which is 55% of the total budget, approx. 725 million Ft)
Nemzeti önerő: 1 694 212 € (approx. 593 million Ft), co-financed by the Hungarian State

Although the problem of climate change is a global challenge, responses can be provided most effectively at the local level. So, the optimal level of intervention in Hungary is definitely the level of local governments. Because municipalities are the key actors who has directly, first-hand experience of the consequences of extreme weather events that cause problems in the settlement (eg. damages by heavy rainfall, flash floods, inland inundation, drought). They form the strategies and plans of a given settlement or region. In addition, municipalities know the potential resources and opportunities of a given settlement or region as best as possible. Last but not least, local authorities know the local stakeholders who are affected the most, moreover, they can involve, and if necessary, mobilize them.

Why adaptation is so important?

Because we cannot stop climate change, however, we can mitigate its negative effects, and one of the most effective ways is adaptation, change our behaviour and adjust to the changed circumstances. Climate change brings many challenges: the average temperature rises, extreme weather events becoming more and more unpredictable and more frequent, we experience uneven rainfall distribution and the disappearance of biodiversity. However, with conscious and targeted adaptation, we can do a lot to reduce our vulnerability against climate change.

What will be implemented in the LIFE LOGOS 4 WATERS project?

The negative effects of climate change evident in all regions and counties of Hungary. However, the involvement is differentiated territorially and depending on the nature of the problem (eg. hilly areas affected by flash flood, or areas along the Danube struggling with water scarcity and water inequalities. In the framework of the LIFE LOGOS 4 WATERS project, we test complex natural water retention measures (NWRMs) in a demonstration manner on two water catchment areas, which were selected on the basis of vulnerability and the nature of the given water-related challenge. The implemented solutions of the project will be good practices for other Hungarian catchment areas and neighbouring regions, where the problems are similar.

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