Supporting Partners
Catchment municipalities

Municipalities involved on the highland pilot catchment:
Municipality of Galgagyörk
Municipality of Kisnémedi
Municipality of Kosd
Municipality of Penc
Municipality of Püspökhatvan
Municipality of Rád
Municipality of Vácduka
Municipality of Váckisújfalu
Municipalities involved on the lowland pilot catchment:
Municipality of Drágszél
Municipality of Dusnok
Municipality of Foktő
Municipality of Kalocsa
Supporting organisations
Danube Museum
Government Office for Pest County
Government Office of Bács-Kiskun County
Hungarian Association of Landscape Architects
Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Institute of Landscape Architecture, Urban Planning and Garden Art, Department of Landscape Protection and Reclamation
Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Institute of Environmental Sciences, Department of Water Management and Climate Adaptation
HungaroMet Nonprofit Ltd. (Successor of the National Adaptation Center)
Lower Danube Valley Water Directorate
Middle Danube Valley Water Directorate
Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Forestry Development Policy and Innovation
Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Landscape Protection and Ecotourism
National Directorate General for Disaster Management
National Federation of County Governments
The Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture, Directorate of Strategy and Rural Development