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Online survey within the framework of the LIFE LOGOS 4 WATERS project

Within the framework of the LIFE LOGOS 4 WATERS project the State Secretariat for Local Government of the Ministry of Interior is conducting an online survey not only for municipalities, water management and public authorities, environment protection professionals but also for design engineers.

The five thematic questionnaires of the online survey “Municipal water management and adaptation to climate change” aim to identify the challenges and areas for technical and methodological support in municipal water management from the perspective of all relevant disciplines. With the online questionnaire we also aim to assess the climate awareness of municipalities, their knowledge and attitudes towards natural water retention measures, and to assess the needs of municipalities in terms of the support they most need to improve municipal water management and to promote the use of natural water retention measures. The questionnaire for municipalities aims to assess the sensitivity, vulnerability and adaptive capacity of Hungarian municipalities to climate change impacts, with a special focus on issues related to municipal water management.

The questionnaires will take around 15-18 minutes to complete, and thanks to the extended deadline, they can now be completed until 7th of March 2022.

By answering these questions, the content of the training and methodological materials and guides can be influenced. They will be produced specifically for municipalities within the framework of the project. The aim of the survey is to develop these documents on the basis of real and emerging needs, in order to support the day-to-day work of local authorities.

Please help us by sharing your opinions and experiences.

The questionnaire for local authorities can be filled out at the following link:

The contact details for the other four thematic questionnaires are:

Written by the Coordination Office for Municipalities


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