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Integrated Support Board set up under LIFE LOGOS 4 WATERS

The LIFE20 CCA/HU/001604 LIFE LOGOS 4 WATERS project entitled “Integrated application of innovative water management methods at river basin by coordination of local governments” was launched on the 1st of October 2021 with the coordination of the Ministry of Interior.

Building on the experience of the LIFE-MICACC project, an umbrella organisation was set up within the framework of the LIFE LOGOS 4 WATERS project, called the Integrated Support Board (ISB). The Council consists of representatives of key organisations that play a crucial role in the implementation of green and blue infrastructure investments, in particular natural water retention measures and the conduct of municipal procedures and implementations. Their expertise and insight into the regulatory environment and the disciplines involved not only speeds up the flow of information, but also provides greater insight and understanding into the work of other related disciplines and, in many cases, results in faster information flow and knowledge sharing. It also allows the creation of a common language, a starting point, which can be used not only during the implementation of the project, but also in the later work of each organisation beyond the project.

In addition to the project partnership, the Council has nine member organisations, which have already committed to the objectives of the project during the development phase of the proposal in the summer of 2020. As supporting partners, the participation of the Lower Danube Valley Water Directorate, the Government Office of Bács-Kiskun County, the Danube Museum, the Middle Danube Valley Water Directorate, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, the National Association of County Governments, the Western Balkans Green Center, the National Directorate – General for Disaster Management and the Government Office of Pest County will further enhance the professionalism of the project.

In total, the Council brings together 17 organisations, including the project partners.

The first meeting of the Council took place online on 17th of November 2021, convened by its Chairperson, Dr Róza Számadó, Head of Department (Ministry of Interior, Coordination Office for Municipalities). One of the Council’s priority tasks is to set up working groups to support the implementation of the activities of each action, in addition to providing support for ongoing high-level professional management, quality assurance and opinion-forming. At the planning stage, we saw the need to set up eight working groups, which will greatly facilitate progress on related activities. Of these, four working groups were set up at the first inaugural meeting, with at least one representative from each partner and invited collaborator in the spirit of joint work.

We are confident that this broad stakeholder engagement and active involvement will lead to a unified approach and further cooperation between organisations.

Written by the Coordination Office for Municipalities


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