Within the framework of the LIFE LOGOS 4 WATERS project, a summer school was organized for the first time between the 15th and 20th October 2023, the aim of which is to train representatives of the international engineering student community on the topics of the project.
The need for resilience to climate and flood risks has brought about changes in European water policy, and thus new challenges are emerging in water management. An integrated approach and harmonised transboundary water management policies at river basin scale should prevail and attitudes towards floods and droughts should be changed to achieve river basin level targets, as nature-based solutions are rapidly growing in importance.
The LIFE LOGOS 4 WATERS project aims to contribute to achieving these goals. This summer school was created to meet the recognized need to improve water-related education. Our faculty strives to apply state-of-the-art technologies in daily monitoring and to apply new surveying, evaluation and planning techniques as widely as possible.

The summer school consisted of classroom lectures, field measurements and processing of measurement results, including the theory and practice of hydrological processes in the river basin, the study of runoff on a small and large scale. Our guest lecturers and faculty lecturers prepared interesting presentations. In order to provide the theoretical background, Zoltán Barina Dr. (WWF Hungary) presented the reconstruction, rehabilitation and water retention interventions along the Drava River, Lidija Tadić Dr. (Josip Juraj Strosmayer University of Osijek) talked about the flow rearrangement of the rivers of the Mura-Drava-Danube Biosphere Reserve due to human influence and climate change, while Andrzej Struzynski Dr. (Krakow University of Agricultural Sciences) talked about the Nida tributary of the Vistula River. He presented implemented engineering reconstructions and related monitoring measurements. From among the lecturers of our School, István Zsuffa Dr., assistant professor guided the participants into the mysteries of integrated wetland reconstruction, László Tamás Vas, chief project professional referent gave a lecture on hydrogeodesy, while Enikő Anna Tamás Dr. associate professor gave a lecture on the theory of hydrological and hydrometric measurements. Students could get acquainted with the research carried out at the small water basin in Magyaregregy from the presentation of Dániel Koch, assistant lecturer. The program included measurements at the experimental catchment of Magyaregregy and the Sugovica branch of the Danube River, the processing of measurements, as well as a trip to the Gemenc floodplains (Danube-Drava National Park).

Participants came from the universities of Osijek (Croatia), Belgrade (Serbia), Bucharest (Romania), Krakow (Poland) and the Faculty of Water Sciences of University of Public Service. We hope that lifelong friendships, professional relationships have been formed, and useful practical experience has been gained in assessing river morphology and flow in favor of the design of nature-based solutions.
More photos about the first summer university are available in the gallery.
Written by Tamás Enikő Anna Dr.