Municipality of Pomáz created a rain garden with help of local volunteers

The Municipality of Pomáz Town won support in the Municipal Support Program of the LIFE LOGOS 4 WATERS project for, inter alia, the creation of a rain garden. The aim of the project was to draw the attention of local people to the importance of small-scale residential water retention.


The rain garden was created in the area next to the running track in the Szelistye district in Pomáz. The rain garden was carried out in two phases in September 2023. In the first phase, working machine dig up a nearly 45 m2 area for the rain garden. Afterwards one part of the excavated soil was transported and another part was deposited next to the excavated area. Then it was mixed with compost material (peat, branch mulch) and one part of the soil was backfilled.



In the second phase, volunteers covered the area up with mulch and implanted it with approx. 500 plants, mostly perennial plants, which tolerate alike drought and moisture. The work was operated by the professional guidance of the colleagues of Kerekerdő Ltd.


In addition to creation of the rain garden, many other project activities – organization of a climate conference, tree planting, drawing of rainwater gallons among residents, creation of a tank garden – were also implemented with the support of the Municipal Support Program, in order to shaping the public’s attitude  – reported Péter Hardi, Deputy Mayor of Pomáz, in Pomáz Online’s video interview.

The video can be available via the below link, in which volunteers and Kerekerdő Ltd.’s colleague, ornamental horticulture and plant application engineer also was giving an interview.



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