LIFE LOGOS 4 WATERS and LIFE-MICACC projects have been added to the United Nations Partnership Platform contributing to the Sustainable Goals

The LIFE LOGOS 4 WATERS project and the previous LIFE-MICACC project have been added to the online platform created by the United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN-DESA). The online platform introduces such cooperation and international projects that contribute to the achievement of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The main aims of […]
Cities Forum 2023

Cities Forum 2023: 16 to 17 March in Torino, Italy The 5th edition of Cities Forum was held in Torino, Italy from 16 to 17 March 2023, organised by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy. The two-day event brought together key urban stakeholders at European, national, regional and local levels who are […]
International Summer School 2023 in frame of the LIFE LOGOS 4 WATERS project

Between 15-21 October 2023, the Faculty of Water Sciences of University of Public Service is organizing a 6-day Summer School in frame of the LIFE LOGOS 4 WATERS (LIFE20 CCA/HU/1604) project. The need for climate and flood risk resiliency has induced changes in water policies in Europe and thus new challenges in water resources management […]
Horizontal principles for nature-based water retention management in Hungary- Interview with State Secretary for Municipalities of the Ministry of Interior

What role do municipalities play in managing natural water retention? How do regions plan these projects together and what challenges arise in this multi-stakeholder collaboration? How do we account for natural disaster, drought and flood response in all of these efforts? When it comes down to it, scale and approach play an enormous role in […]
The winners of the amateur photo and story competition “Hungary drying out” were announced in the framework of the LIFE LOGOS 4 WATERS project

How did people experience the unprecedented drought in 2022? In November 2022, WWF Hungary asked its followers on Facebook to tell how the drought in the country affected them during the year of 2022. Stories or photos documenting the long dry period could be submitted for a month on social media or by e-mail, and […]
URBACT for Action Planning Networks – webinar on 17 January 2023

The URBACT Programme, which is the first European territorial cooperation programme since 2002, aims to support the exchange of experience and learning about sustainable urban development. European networks of cities that are invited to participate in the programme will develop an action plan focusing on a problem area of their choice, with the involvement of […]
Water Success Stories 2020-2022 brochure

A brochure summarising successful projects relevant to the water quality of the Danube Region, including the LIFE LOGOS 4 WATERS and LIFE-MICACC projects, has been published on the Danube Region website. The aim of the brochure is to present the good practices of recent years, to disseminate the results achieved by the projects in the […]
The MCFs decided about the sequence of additional project ideas proposed for implementation

In mid-December, the fifth meeting of the Multi-stakeholder Catchment Forums (Forum, MCF) was held, set up in the framework of the LIFE LOGOS 4 WATERS project. The meeting of the Forum in the catchment area of the Sárközi I. took place on Tuesday 13rd December 2022 in Bátya. The next day, on Wednesday 14th December, another […]
Application of natural water retention measures in agricultural areas and wetlands – International study trip to France

Water retention measures applied in intensively cultivated agricultural landscapes were presented to the group made of Hungarian municipalities’ representatives and professional organisations’ colleagues during a study trip in the Lower Rhine region between 13 and 16 November 2022.Within the framework of the LIFE LOGOS 4 WATERS project, the aim of the international study trip is […]
Successful end-of-year webinar on “The role of the IMWMP and the process of its preparation”

Water is fragmented in current urban development instruments, with many overlaps and contradictions with sectoral strategies and programmes. Meanwhile, in 2/3 of municipalities, water scarcity or surplus is a problem. The need for an IMWMP (Integrated Municipal Water Management Plan), with smart coordination between urban development and water, is therefore not under dispute. The Hungarian […]