Presentation of our project at the LIFE IP CleanEST conference in Narva, Estonia


On October 25-26th 2023, the LIFE IP CleanEST (LIFE17 IPE/EE/000007) conference was held in Narva, Estonia, in which representing the project, Bettina Lilla Hugyecz and Dalma Erzsébet Varga participated. Presenters from about 15 countries came to the conference, who gave their presentations on the topic of sustainability and innovation, and presented the results and experiences […]

Municipality of Pomáz created a rain garden with help of local volunteers


The Municipality of Pomáz Town won support in the Municipal Support Program of the LIFE LOGOS 4 WATERS project for, inter alia, the creation of a rain garden. The aim of the project was to draw the attention of local people to the importance of small-scale residential water retention. The rain garden was created in […]

The project was presented at the Sustainable Municipalities Conference

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A two-day international conference entitled “Sustainable Municipalities Conference” began on 6 September 2023, organized by the CEESEN network and WWF Hungary Foundation. The event was held at the MagNet Community House in Budapest, but there was also an opportunity to follow the presentations online. The conference covered various areas while exploring the topic of sustainability […]

6th European Climate Change Adaptation Conference, Dublin


As part of the E6 action of the LIFE LOGOS 4 WATERS project, the coordinating beneficiary undertook to participate in three international conferences, in order to disseminate the project and build international relations. Within the framework of this action, two employees of the State Secretariat For Municipal Affairs of the Ministry of Interior of Hungary […]

The first nationwide series of professional events within the project was held in all regions of the country

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Within the framework of the LIFE LOGOS 4 WATERS project entitled „In cooperation for climate-conscious river basin management” the series of the nationwide professional events entitled „Climate adaptation opportunities of municipalities at local and regional level” was held between 25th May and 15th June 2023 at 7 locations (Szeged, Tata, Visegrád, Keszthely, Miskolc, Szolnok and […]

I. and II. networking meeting (Spain, Lorca and Murcia)

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Within the framework of the LIFE LOGOS 4 WATERS project „In cooperation for climate-conscious river basin management”, the first and second networking meeting took place between the 14th and 18th May 2023 in Spain. During the networking meeting, participants could get to know more about two LIFE projects; LIFE-ADAPTATE project (LIFE16 CCA/ES/000049) and LIFE HEATLAND […]

Resilient buildings guidance

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Buildings can be vulnerable to the changing climate. In the past year, DG CLIMA has been collaborating with JRC-Sevilla to steer a study for an EU-level guidance on the climate resilience of buildings. On 29 March 2023, the Commission published the new technical guidance on climate adaptation in buildings. The report synthesises existing methods, specifications, […]

TINLAB-URBAN21 conference

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A conference entitled „ZöldIT” Digital and Green Innovations in Hungarian Local Communities was held on 23 March 2023 in Kaposvár, where Mr. Zoltán Kivés, Deputy State Secretary for Local Government at the Ministry of the Interior, was also invited to present the  running municipal development projects. The professional event is held every year, and this […]

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